faq nashmq


Find the answers to your most frequent questions and doubts in this section

We are updating frequently the most common questions asked by our students

Solve all your doubts and get all the answers to all your questions under this FAQs section. We are doing our best to keep all users' concerns under this section, however if you still cannot find your answer here do not hesitate to get in touch with us through our contact form. We suggest you consult our Online Courses section first before you review the FAQs section or before you send us your requests through the contact form.


Are the diplomas accredited and certified by an official entity?

We have been approved, after an intense audition,  by COFENAT-APTN, the national association of natural therapies. At the present time we submit official diplomas certified and accredited by this entity. Each diploma will have an official stamp with date of completion and official registration number from COFENAT. Also our diplomas are fully secured by a QR Code with your personal information that can be validated only by scanning the information of the QR Code. At the same time NASHMQ has become part of the recommended clusters of integrative healthcare schools within the ecosystem of educational programs in COFENAT-APTN.

Diploma Example HAMSK001

What's the profile of the students we are aiming at?

Our courses are designed especially for non conventional healthcare and medicine practitioners, who do not have necessarily a medical or life science background. So homeopaths, naturopaths, health coaches, nutritional coaches, physiotherapists, chiropractitioners and integrative healthcare practitioners from other related areas are most welcome to register. But we have been receiving many registrations as well from beginners and patients, the latter might seem an odd one, but it really isn't. It has been demonstrated that empowering chronic patients with basic medical knowledge and training in their health management the overall outcomes of their general wellbeing and health state are much greater and the understanding between patient-doctor becomes more fluent, which means that the patient has a clear concept of the instructions and what needs to be done. Access this page so you can check the courses that are the most eligible for you according to your experience and background. There will be always an option for you!

What's the duration of each course?

Each course has it's own deadline, some are available during 7 weeks, others during 4 or 3 weeks. Our platform enables you access during this period and logically there is an expiry date where the system will disable the access automatically once you reach the expiry date assigned for the course. The learning periods have been assigned very generously and you will have more than enough time to complete the courses, take into account that powerpoint files, prezi files, PDF scripts and other written material are all downloadable so you can consult and review this notes in the future. We recommend to do this first once you login for the first time.

Are there any pre-requisites in order to register to our courses?

Not for all of them. Some are specific like the Chronic Pathologies and Nutrition course is thought for therapists who already have some basic concepts in nutritional sciences and pathology, but as you can see in our catalogue this is a module II of the complete course of nutritional sciences because before there is a module I on introductory concepts. All the introductory modules start from scratch and the complete format courses are designed in the same way as well, we begin with basic concepts and then we get deeper into the subject in a very gradual manner.

How can you purchase and register to any of our courses?

It's quick and simple.  Access directly to our e-learning platform and sign up in simple steps, you just need to register or sign up for free and then purchase the course with your debit or credit card, you will get inmediate access to the contents of the course and all the virtual campus tools which are implemented and enabled for you. If you wish to pay by bank transfer please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you details and instructions on how to proceed, but remember that this should be you last option because banks normally will charge you comissions for international transfers and some for national transfers as well.

Are there any financing methods that you can apply for?

At the present time we do not apply financing methods for any of our courses. However, if you pay through debit or credit card you can always negotiate with your bank to charge you directly in your bank account in the installments you feel more comfortable with. Because a high percentage of people have their own personal deal with their banks we assume that they will always get a better offer in terms of comissions for a loan for example, in the case of direct corporate financing the taxes and comissions are normally high so we don't apply financing methods directly.

What happens with the files that are available during the course?

All PDF files from the powerpoint lectures, scripts and other material that we have uploaded in PDF are 24/7 available for you, not only while you login into our platform, but also offline because you can download them to your computer or cloud and keep them safe for the future for consultation or review. That's the reason we always suggest you to download all this files from the first day you start the course because once you reach to the expiry date the system disables the access automatically.

Will there be instructors available during the course?

Of course! You will have available a specialized instructor in the course you have selected so he or she can solve your doubts and questions about the subject you are studying at that moment and you can do this through the internal messaging system of the virtual campus. You can either share your message with your instructor only or share it with the whole class if there are students registered at that moment.

Which technology devices and operative systems are compatible with our courses?

You can use a PC under any operative system because you only need a browser to access the course to make it more comfortable, even with an iPad or Android tablet you can access the course through a browser. But if you wish to use our app you have it available in the Google Play and the Apple Store, we definately recommend the app if you want to access the course through an smart phone as it will be more comfortable for you. But because of the nature of this courses, we strongly suggest you to access through a PC so you have wide screen view of the image and video files.

Can you access the course in any language indifferently?

No. If you inscribe to the English e-learning system you will only have access to the English version of the course, and viceversa if you register to the Spanish version you won't have access to the English one. It's really not frequent at all that a user wishes to access content in two different languages at the same time, so this option is at the present time disabled.

In which courses are you required to have previous knowledge in the topic?

Only the Chronic Pathologies & Nutrition course (module II) requieres some basic and introductory knowledge in nutritional sciences. If you already have this background you won't have any problems understanding the content of this course, but if you don't we strongly suggest you to complete module I first which is the Introductory Course on Nutritional Science.

However if you wish to acquire a complete knowledge in nutritional sciences, both introductory and combining nutrition and pathology we suggest you go for the Complete Course on Nutritional Science, which includes module I and II in one single course. You have to remember that inscribing in this modules separately will be always more costly than doing the complete single course.

What Other Courses do we have in our Roadmap?

We are continously working on creating new courses, the main block in basic medical sciences is Anatomy & Physiology and we are working on the design and creation of the next units like the cardiovascular system, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous system, endocrinology, blood, sensory organs and a few more. All the A&P series will be available for all levels, from beginner to practitioner. In the near future we are planning to launch interpretation and analysis of laboratory reports and general pathology, under the series of medical sciences, but we will be launching alternative and complementary therapy courses as well as part of our 360 degree healthcare training programs. 

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Advanced E-Learning System

Access to our virtual campus from home. We have enabled advanced technology and tools to make your learning simple and fun
Advanced E-Learning System


The content of our courses are available in Spanish and English language and accessible from different platforms


Access from any device and form any operative system. Use either web browser or install the app

Certified by COFENAT

All content and courses are approved and recommended by the Spanish Confederation of Naturopaths and the Professional Society of Natural Therapies