Our Diplomas Safeguard Your Identity and Your Information with QR Codes and are all Certified by APTN-COFENAT
NASHMQ is the unique healthcare e-learning company that offers personal identification security validation through QR Code implementation systems in your diploma.
This QR Code is unbreakable and it is not possible to counterfeit the identity information by any means, the information uploaded for the QR Code belongs exclusively to the student who has completed successfully the course and the information contained herein has complete validation. You can request any time an official certificate in order to revalidate your diploma with a third party in case of conflict.
Further more, our diplomas are all certified by the Spanish Confederation of Naturopathy in junction with the National (COFENAT) & Professional Association of Natural Therapies (APTN). In order to get this valuable certification our school had to go through an audition process where the quality of the teachings and the methodology are factors that play the most important part in any of the courses. Thus we became a recommeded school by this entity and we are the first e-learning system approved and in two languages, English and Spanish.