Get instant access to our online courses directly from our elearning system

You can access directly to our e-learning platform, register and inscribe to the course you are interested in. You do not need a Paypal account here, just your debit or credit card and input the information that the system is asking you to do like the rest of the e-commerce systems available in other sites. Once you have completed the payment process you will have inmediate access to all of the content of the course you have chosen and to all the advantages of our virtual campus. Quick and fast!


Sign up elearning

Access to E-Learning

Let us take you to our e-learning platform so you can check out our courses

Advanced E-Learning System

Access to our virtual campus from home. We have enabled advanced technology and tools to make your learning simple and fun
Advanced E-Learning System


The content of our courses are available in Spanish and English language and accessible from different platforms


Access from any device and form any operative system. Use either web browser or install the app

Certified by COFENAT

All content and courses are approved and recommended by the Spanish Confederation of Naturopaths and the Professional Society of Natural Therapies